2.2.1 TYPE OF INTERNET AND INTERNET TRAFFIC in Modern Computer Network
Traffic on the Internet and enterprise networks can be divided into two broad categories: elastic and inelastic. A consideration of their differing requirements clarifies the need for an enhanced networking architecture.
Elastic Traffic
Elastic traffic is that which can adjust, over wide ranges, to changes in delay and throughput across an internet and still meet the needs of its applications. This is the traditional type of traffic supported on TCP/IP-based internets and is the type of traffic for which internets were designed. Applications that generate such traffic typically use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as a transport protocol. In the case of UDP, the application will use as much capacity as is available up to the rate that the application generates data. In the case of TCP, the application will use as much capacity as is available up to the maximum rate that the end-to-end receiver can accept data. Also with TCP, traffic on individual connections adjusts to congestion by reducing the rate at which data are presented to the network.
A worldwide internetwork based on TCP/IP that interconnects thousands of public and private networks and millions of users.
internet (with lower case i)
A large network made up of a number of smaller networks. Also referred to as an internetwork. Applications that can be classified as elastic include the common applications that operate over TCP or UDP, including file transfer (File Transfer Protocol / Secure FTP [FTP/SFTP]), electronic mail (Simple Mail Transport Protocol [SMTP]), remote login (Telnet, Secure Shell [SSH]), network management (Simple Network Management Protocol [SNMP]), and web access (Hypertext Transfer Protocol / HTTP Secure [HTTP/HTTPS]). However, there are differences among the requirements of these applications, including the following:
Traffic on the Internet and enterprise networks can be divided into two broad categories: elastic and inelastic. A consideration of their differing requirements clarifies the need for an enhanced networking architecture.
Elastic Traffic
Elastic traffic is that which can adjust, over wide ranges, to changes in delay and throughput across an internet and still meet the needs of its applications. This is the traditional type of traffic supported on TCP/IP-based internets and is the type of traffic for which internets were designed. Applications that generate such traffic typically use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as a transport protocol. In the case of UDP, the application will use as much capacity as is available up to the rate that the application generates data. In the case of TCP, the application will use as much capacity as is available up to the maximum rate that the end-to-end receiver can accept data. Also with TCP, traffic on individual connections adjusts to congestion by reducing the rate at which data are presented to the network.
A worldwide internetwork based on TCP/IP that interconnects thousands of public and private networks and millions of users.
internet (with lower case i)
A large network made up of a number of smaller networks. Also referred to as an internetwork. Applications that can be classified as elastic include the common applications that operate over TCP or UDP, including file transfer (File Transfer Protocol / Secure FTP [FTP/SFTP]), electronic mail (Simple Mail Transport Protocol [SMTP]), remote login (Telnet, Secure Shell [SSH]), network management (Simple Network Management Protocol [SNMP]), and web access (Hypertext Transfer Protocol / HTTP Secure [HTTP/HTTPS]). However, there are differences among the requirements of these applications, including the following:
- E-mail is generally insensitive to changes in delay.
- When file transfer is done via user command rather than as an automated background task, the user expects the delay to be proportional to the file size and so is sensitive to changes in throughput.
- With network management, delay is generally not a serious concern.
- However, if failures in an internet are the cause of congestion, then the need for SNMP messages to get through with minimum delay increases with increased congestion.
- Interactive applications, such as remote logon and web access, are sensitive to delay.
It is important to realize that it is not per-packet delay that is the quantity of interest. Observation of real
delays across the Internet suggest that wide variations in delay do not occur. Because of the congestion control
mechanisms in TCP, when congestion develops, delays only increase modestly before the arrival rate from the
various TCP connections slow down. Instead, the quality of service (QoS) perceived by the user relates to the
total elapsed time to transfer an element of the current application. For an interactive Telnet-based
application, the element may be a single keystroke or single line. For web access, the element is a web page,
which could be as little as a few kilobytes or could be substantially larger for an image-rich page. For a
scientific application, the element could be many megabytes of data.
For very small elements, the total elapsed time is dominated by the delay time across the Internet. However, for larger elements, the total elapsed time is dictated by the sliding-window performance of TCP and is therefore dominated by the throughput achieved over the TCP connection. Thus, for large transfers, the transfer time is proportional to the size of the file and the degree to which the source slows because of congestion.
It should be clear that even if you confine your attention to elastic traffic, some service prioritizing and controlling traffic could be of benefit. Without such a service, routers are dealing evenhandedly with arriving IP packets, with no concern for the type of application and whether a particular packet is part of a large transfer element or a small one. Under such circumstances, and if congestion develops, it is unlikely that resources will be allocated in such a way as to meet the needs of all applications fairly. When inelastic traffic is added to the mix, the results are even more unsatisfactory.
For very small elements, the total elapsed time is dominated by the delay time across the Internet. However, for larger elements, the total elapsed time is dictated by the sliding-window performance of TCP and is therefore dominated by the throughput achieved over the TCP connection. Thus, for large transfers, the transfer time is proportional to the size of the file and the degree to which the source slows because of congestion.
It should be clear that even if you confine your attention to elastic traffic, some service prioritizing and controlling traffic could be of benefit. Without such a service, routers are dealing evenhandedly with arriving IP packets, with no concern for the type of application and whether a particular packet is part of a large transfer element or a small one. Under such circumstances, and if congestion develops, it is unlikely that resources will be allocated in such a way as to meet the needs of all applications fairly. When inelastic traffic is added to the mix, the results are even more unsatisfactory.
Inelastic Traffic
Inelastic traffic does not easily adapt, if at all, to changes in delay and throughput across an internet. Examples of inelastic traffic include multimedia transmission, such as voice and video, and high-volume interactive traffic, such as an interactive simulation application (for example, airline pilot simulation).
The requirements for inelastic traffic may include the following:
Throughput: A minimum throughput value may be required. Unlike most elastic traffic, which can continue to deliver data with perhaps degraded service, many inelastic applications absolutely require a given minimum throughput.
Delay: Also called latency. An example of a delay-sensitive application is stock trading; someone who consistently receives later service will consistently act later, and with greater disadvantage.
Delay jitter: The magnitude of delay variation, called delay jitter, or simply jitter, is a critical factor in real-time applications. Because of the variable delay imposed by an internet, the interarrival times between packets are not maintained at a fixed interval at the destination. To compensate for this, the incoming packets are buffered, delayed sufficiently to compensate for the jitter, and then released at a constant rate to the software that is expecting a steady real-time stream. The larger the allowable delay variation, the longer the real delay in delivering the data and the greater the size of the delay buffer required at receivers. Real-time interactive applications, such as teleconferencing, may require a reasonable upper bound on jitter.
delay jitter The variation in delay associated with the transfer of packets between two points. Typically measured as the maximum variation in delay experienced by packets in a single session.
Packet loss: Real-time applications vary in the amount of packet loss, if any, that they can sustain. Table 2.1 shows the loss, delay, and jitter characteristics of various classes of traffic, as specified in RFC 4594 (Configuration Guidelines for DiffServ Service Classes, August 2006). Table 2.2gives examples of QoS requirements for various media-oriented applications [SZIG14].
Table 2.1 Service Class Characteristics
Table 2.2 QoS Requirements by Application Class
These requirements are difficult to meet in an environment with variable queuing delays and congestion losses. Accordingly, inelastic traffic introduces two new requirements into the internet architecture. First, some means is needed to give preferential treatment to applications with more demanding requirements. Applications need to be able to state their requirements, either ahead of time in some sort of service request function, or on the fly, by means of fields in the IP packet header. The former approach provides more flexibility in stating requirements, and it enables the network to anticipate demands and deny new requests if the required resources are unavailable. This approach implies the use of some sort of resource reservation protocol.
An additional requirement in supporting inelastic traffic in an internet architecture is that elastic traffic must still be supported. Inelastic applications typically do not back off and reduce demand in the face of congestion, in contrast to TCP-based applications. Therefore, in times of congestion, inelastic traffic will continue to supply a high load, and elastic traffic will be crowded off the internet. A reservation protocol can help control this situation by denying service requests that would leave too few resources available to handle current elastic traffic.
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Inelastic traffic does not easily adapt, if at all, to changes in delay and throughput across an internet. Examples of inelastic traffic include multimedia transmission, such as voice and video, and high-volume interactive traffic, such as an interactive simulation application (for example, airline pilot simulation).
The requirements for inelastic traffic may include the following:
Throughput: A minimum throughput value may be required. Unlike most elastic traffic, which can continue to deliver data with perhaps degraded service, many inelastic applications absolutely require a given minimum throughput.
Delay: Also called latency. An example of a delay-sensitive application is stock trading; someone who consistently receives later service will consistently act later, and with greater disadvantage.
Delay jitter: The magnitude of delay variation, called delay jitter, or simply jitter, is a critical factor in real-time applications. Because of the variable delay imposed by an internet, the interarrival times between packets are not maintained at a fixed interval at the destination. To compensate for this, the incoming packets are buffered, delayed sufficiently to compensate for the jitter, and then released at a constant rate to the software that is expecting a steady real-time stream. The larger the allowable delay variation, the longer the real delay in delivering the data and the greater the size of the delay buffer required at receivers. Real-time interactive applications, such as teleconferencing, may require a reasonable upper bound on jitter.
delay jitter The variation in delay associated with the transfer of packets between two points. Typically measured as the maximum variation in delay experienced by packets in a single session.
Packet loss: Real-time applications vary in the amount of packet loss, if any, that they can sustain. Table 2.1 shows the loss, delay, and jitter characteristics of various classes of traffic, as specified in RFC 4594 (Configuration Guidelines for DiffServ Service Classes, August 2006). Table 2.2gives examples of QoS requirements for various media-oriented applications [SZIG14].
Table 2.1 Service Class Characteristics
Table 2.2 QoS Requirements by Application Class
These requirements are difficult to meet in an environment with variable queuing delays and congestion losses. Accordingly, inelastic traffic introduces two new requirements into the internet architecture. First, some means is needed to give preferential treatment to applications with more demanding requirements. Applications need to be able to state their requirements, either ahead of time in some sort of service request function, or on the fly, by means of fields in the IP packet header. The former approach provides more flexibility in stating requirements, and it enables the network to anticipate demands and deny new requests if the required resources are unavailable. This approach implies the use of some sort of resource reservation protocol.
An additional requirement in supporting inelastic traffic in an internet architecture is that elastic traffic must still be supported. Inelastic applications typically do not back off and reduce demand in the face of congestion, in contrast to TCP-based applications. Therefore, in times of congestion, inelastic traffic will continue to supply a high load, and elastic traffic will be crowded off the internet. A reservation protocol can help control this situation by denying service requests that would leave too few resources available to handle current elastic traffic.
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